Membership Benefits

Get your name on our Email list.   Stay in touch and keep up to date with political and professional issues affecting your retirement as well as current discounts and events.   You will receive links to the ACCESS Newsletter and the NEOEA-R Newsletter as soon as they are posted.   Help us save postage on ACCESS-R mailings.   Send us your name and email on our Contact Us page.

Get current information on pending legislation.   Bills pending or passed in Columbus and Washington will affect retirees.   For the best information, current newsletters, and discounts be sure to visit the following websites, especially NEOEA-R, ACCESS, and OEA:


Join OEA-R and NEA-R.   Retirement does not mean giving up the benefits of membership.   Join online at   Active members can lock in the lifetime rate with a Pre-Retired Membership.    Go to the NEOEA-R Membership page for more information.

A strong retiree organization is needed to protect retiree interests.  Increased retiree membership increases the influence of OEA and NEA.

  •  In addition, your interests at the statewide level are represented by the OEA-R Advisory Council with representatives from each OEA District who are committed to protecting and enhancing your STRS, PERS, and SERS retirement and health care benefits.
  •  NEA Member Benefits are more valuable with precious retirement dollars.   You can easily save two to three times the membership cost.   Save on: credit cards and CD’s; home, car, and life insurance; discounts on appliances and travel; and more.   Visit
  •  OEA benefits are important, too!  The OEA Educator Access discount program will help you further extend those precious fixed income dollars with discounts from local merchants.  Visit
  •  Update those legal documents with the OEA Attorney Referral Service.
    Members receive a 30% discount on real estate, wills and estates, domestic
    relations, consumer protection, and traffic violations.
  •  Planning to substitute?  Don’t give up your NEA $1 million liability protection policy.
  •  Stay in touch with professional developments and your colleagues through
    various NEOEA-R, OEA-R, and NEA-R newsletters, publications, and workshops.
  •  Unlike other educator retiree organizations such as ORTA, we are the only
    organization of retirees affiliated with the OEA and the NEA